Sunday, April 13, 2008

What will "I Not Touch" in the Future?

Life and technology changes so fast!!!

Just last month the entire fleet at my work was finally retrofitted with On Board Computers. (OBC's) We now log electronically, can communicate via satellite to the bakery and can send and receive information that is important to our trips.

Some of us have made the transition easily. Some drivers still are finding it a challenge.

It is intriguing to note that overall, those who are having a difficult time are some of the older drivers.

Not to long ago, I took a trip with an older driver and he had me doing all the computer stuff. He said, "I don't have a computer at home and won't touch the things."

I've also been with other older drivers who just dove right in and are doing quite well with them.

That got me thinking as I drove home from my Columbus, OH trip today. With technology changing so fast, what might come up in my future that 'some' will not touch with a 10 ft pole?

Then it got me to thinking that I hope I'm open enough to change and be willing to learn the new stuff.

1 comment:

ljosjo said...

Life continues to evolve. We can either accept it and be happy or let it pass us by. As one of the "old" guys, I like new things, but have to admit it's not always easy.