Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bladin' & Bike Repairin'

See those roller blades on my feet? Picked them up at the local Thrift Store for $.27. That's right, 27 cents! Can you believe it? They are a pretty good set too. A bit snug, but better that than loose!

So, with those, and the ones I bought for the girls I have less than 3 bucks in the whole works.

Anyway, after getting home from school, we all threw our roller blades on and went bladin' on our road.
Lots of fun! Good exercise too!!

Here's Joelle strikin a rollerblader pose!

Natalie's striking a Monkieing around on rollerblades pose! I think?! :) It's cute anyway!

So I had to strike a rollerblader pose. (Of course to anyone who knows anything about rollerbladin and rollerskating realizes that I'm not getting off to a fast start in rollerblades with that pose, however if I had a set of rollerskates on, I'm off in a sec! Too funny!)

Well, if you don't know what this is all about, you can read my previous post and a post from my father-in-law that will explain it. Sure enjoyed having the help as we put Joelle's new tube in and put her bike back together. She was extremely excited. Now she's rip-roarin' ready for another ride! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw 2 of 3 possible skinned knees. How come no knee pads? huh huh. We didn't bring you up with enough safty conscience?