Friday, April 04, 2008

Sick - Off Again, On Again

Natalie went back to School on Wednesday. She'd had 4 whole days at home to rest and recouperate, and we kind of figured that was enough.

That morning at 7a the Bakery called asking me to run a 9am Relay trip out to Arkansas. Fine. So Doreen heads to school. I finish getting the girls ready for their school. Then I rush around and get my gear and pack a cooler of stuff to take with me on my trip.

Get there and wait an hour for the trailer to be finished.

I'm off.

Around 2p, the school calls. Natalie's low-grade fever has returned and she's been crying in class, won't eat and has no energy. So they bring her into the sick bay and lay her down and want to know what to do with her.

I'm in Arkansas, Doreen's in clinic and unreachable except for extreme emergencies. Humm?

So we just have her rest until she gets picked up by our friends. Turns out that Joelle's teacher Mrs. R who'd been out for a week, came back and then stayed another two days at home - her fever returned. Another friend of the girls, Ben - had his fever return. Among others.

We decide to keep her home the rest of the week in hopes that she can go back on Monday.

Well - yesterday, Doreen gets home with a splitting headache. She felt a little queezy at the stomach too. She eventually goes to bed and feels much better this morning.

This afternoon, I played a racquetball match with a friend, just to play. (He ended up beating me all three games though - oh well.) Then we run to the church for Larry & Doreen to practice special music for Sabbath. When they finish up we boogie for Moe's for supper!

Yummy. I was starved. Perfect for eating at Moe's.

When we left there, we had to run to Sam's for TP and Papertowels. So we make that stop.

On the way home - I start noticing I don't feel right. Then it dawns on me, I've got a headache, A SPLITTING HEADACHE. It hurt right behind my eyes and at the base of my neck. I have not had a headache like this in quite some time. Plus, my stomach felt a bit queezy!

I had Doreen look in the glovebox and luckily we had a couple of Advil in there, so I quickly pop those. Once we got home, I laid down for a bit.

Feeling a bit better - but I need a good nights sleep!!!

Man, can't wait for this ALL to go away!!!

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