Friday, April 04, 2008

Paid in Full!

Our little Joelle has (hopefully) learned an important life lesson.

Each week, they have chores they have to do, just because they are part of the family and we all have chores to do to keep the household running.

They also have a set of chores they need to do if they want to get 'paid' every week. (Sort of an allowance thingy - but they have to do 'work' to earn the money.)

Anyway, we'd been doing this for a while and Joelle REALLY wanted to buy a character from the Transformers movie, Bumblebee. For quite a while the store didn't have one stocked. So she decided to buy a different Transformer. A few weeks ago, they got some Bumblebees in and Joelle wanted to get one. The only thing was, now she didn't have enough money. She kept begging and we'd kept answering, "Do you have enough money?" Finally she came up with, "You can use your money and I can pay you back."

Hummm, we thought. All right.

So we gave her a 'loan.' We also set up a payment plan so she can pay us back. On her first payday, she kinda freaked when all she recieved was her 'Jesus' money and savings.

Then we pulled out the agreement and showed her how she'd now began paying her 'loan' off.

Finally it sunk in.

Well, today, she made her final payment. Now she's ready to start 'saving' up for the next item she wants to purchase.

I'm hoping and praying that this helped her now and for the future!!!

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