Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Emergency Glasses Repair OR Deck Work

Today was a busy day.

Doreen and I had lots of plans we'd made last night. Then, later in the evening, I had an idea that changed the course of today.

We were gonna take the kids to school, play some racquetball, run an errand, do a couple of little chores and a small project. What we ended up doing was a LOT BIGGER!

I still took the kids to school, then ran the errand. Yesterday, Joelle and a friend were playing and she accidentally got bopped in the face, which broke the left ear piece completely off her glasses. So this morning I ran them over to the eye glasses doctor where we bought them. He happened to have 3 broken sets of the same frames in the back and was able to piece together Joelle's glasses. Turns out that kids glasses get broken a lot and so he keeps them around to reuse and repair other kids glasses. Who knew!! He, he, he!

So then I took them back to her and voila - she can see again!

Then we decided to stain/seal our deck. It's been a project 'to do' for quite some time. Well, we had temps in the high 70's today, no rain in site for the next 3 to 4 days, so we got to it. While I was running around, Doreen folded all our laundry and cleaned the deck thoroughly.

When I got home about 9:15a, we broke out the stain/sealer and got to staining/sealing. I figured it'd take a couple of hours. HA!

#1 - The foamy brushes we had, fell apart in the first 2 hours. Doing each part took TON of time. Right before lunch, I ran to the hardware store to get more foamy brushes. We at lunch and go right back to it.

#2 - It's a big deck!

#3 - We ran out of stain/sealer. You'd think a 5 gal bucket would be sufficient. Nope! Got two more gallons before we could completely finish it!

Didn't get done, after two trips, and Doreen splitting to pick the kids up from school, until almost 4:30p.

Thank goodness, our deck is now protected for the next 3 years.

Wheeeeew!!! :)

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