Monday, April 28, 2008

Thoughts on Life

You know, it's amazing what get you thinking about different things and 'where' you are in life.

I guess I've had those types of days lately.

Last week I had a trip running by myself. I had to run to Mebane, NC, swap trailers, go pick up a load in Cary, NC then head back home. Took me just under 24 hours to complete the run.

My trip left out at midnight, so I had to drive through the night. In some ways that is good because of less traffic and stuff. In other ways it's bad cuz for me between 4a and sunrise is the hardest time to stay awake while driving.

As I was rolling down the road, I got to thinking, "You know this is a big truck. It's quite a lot of responsibility driving one of these things safely. This truck is worth close to $100k, not to mention the worth of the cargo in the trailer and I'm sent out in it. Completely trusted. Trusted to go to NC and back." Interesting.

Then today, we got up and shipped the kids off to school. After that, Doreen gave me a haircut. I showered and then we took a short nap. I got up and went to the store and did our grocery shopping. Doreen started the laundry and did a couple other things. After I got home we put groceries away, made lunch, ate lunch. Then I packed a lunch for my trip and got all ready to go this evening.

Once everything was set, Doreen and I went to the rec center and played 45 minutes of racquetball, then went and played some basketball. We hadn't done stuff like that in ages. It was like we were 'just' a couple again. I almost felt like we were back in college. Little or no responsibilites. Then I looked at my watch and realized I had to go get the kids in 5 minutes. Reality came crashing back in, we're parents and we're getting old! :) (It also reminded me of just how much time we used to have - not having kids and how much time we just wasted! **GRIN** Also it pointed to me how much time couples (without kids) now-a-days have!)

Not that that's bad, but it's just where we are today. Older, responsible parents (hopefully).

I knew I'd get to 'this' place in my life as I was growing up. I still, mentally, feel really young, but at the same time know I'm not.

Anyway, those are just some of the thoughts rambling through my head.

Now back to life! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How well I remember thoughts like these. Believe me you will get to feeling older. When you get to 64 yrs. you really feel old at times. Fortunatly it's not all the time.