Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tooth Loose No More

Yesterday was nuts for us. Doreen had special music, for both services. We had a Parenting meeting we put on. I had a trip to OH I was supposed to drive the 1st leg through the night, so I was trying to grab naps in-between everything. Wheew!

Anyway, we got home from everything and Joelle was showing Doreen how loose her tooth was. So Doreen grabbed the floss and tried a couple of times to pull it. No luck. We have an appointment with the Dentist May 6 for an extraction of some of her baby teeth to let her adult teeth grow in a bit straighter and lessed the time that will braces will be needed. So we explained that too her and bed time.

I was trying to catch a few zzz's before having to leave on my trip and Joelle came in twice talking about her tooth. So I popped up, went into the kitchen and grabbed my pliers. I was gonna try and get that tooth so she could go to bed and to sleep. I put a paper towel over it to help with the grip on the tooth and tried 3 times to get it pulled. Still no luck.

As I was looking around for another tooth pulling item, Doreen gave it one shot and 'pop' she got that little piece of enamel right out. Joelle was stoked. Me too, because that's one less 'extraction' we'll have to pay for at the dentist!

You can see in this pic, that her 'big/sdult' tooth was growing in behind the baby tooth. Joelle automatically compared herself to how sharks grow teeth! Too funny!

So now Joelle is toothlessly grinning from ear to ear now that has come out.

The tooth fairy did visit last night. Left her a buck.

Boy - inflation! :)

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