Monday, May 19, 2008

Tennessee Valley Railroad - Field Trip

Man, I have been blessed. This week, my trips are falling perfectly so I can be home for important stuff at the end of school and right before we leave for our vacation to Colorado.

Today, I got to join Doreen and Joelle on her field trip to the Tennessee Valley Railroad.


Yeah - we didn't let the kids hang out the windows while the train was moving. This is a setup for a pic! :)

(Course I wouldn't have minded throwing a couple of 'em from the train! He, he, he!)

They had a set of cars setup we could tour through to show how trains operate today and how they ran in their hayday. Couldn't pass up this photo op!

Joelle and Doreen relaxing in style right before we got rolling. The really interesting thing about the car we were in was divided into two parts. One was marked 'colored' and the other 'white.' What a sad commentary on how people treat each other at times.

The trip was relatively short, only 3 miles I think. We crossed 4 bridges and went through this very LONG tunnel and inside it was pitch black. Extremely cool!

Got this shot just for fun hangin' our camera out the door at a long bend in the tracks.

They have a train turn-table. It is completely functional and they actually turned the engine around on it. Man, that was cool to watch. I don't ever remember seeing that done before. I asked him why they don't just put the engine in reverse? He said they can - but in the old days when these were prevalent, it was the steam era. Behind the engine was a car loaded with wood or coal and they engineer couldn't see ahead - so they made these to turn the thing around!

What a totally awesome day!!!

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