Thursday, May 01, 2008

Dental Hygiene Pin Ceremony

This evening Doreen's school of Dental Hygiene had a pinning ceremony. The 'big sisters' (2nd year students/Graduates) pass a pin down to the former 1st year students. It's kind of a tradition thing kind of passing the torch from one group to the next.

Every 1st year student get's assigned a 2nd year student, a big sister, so to speak. It's meant to be an encouraging type thing.

Anyway, they passed down the 1st year pins tonight and the graduates got the official Dental Hygientist pins.

Here's a pic of the very nice pin Doreen got from her big sister Corina.

Here are all the ladies of Doreen's class, Dental Hygiene class of 2009. We snapped this shot just before the program started tonight. I'd give ya all their names, but Doreen's upstairs and I'll forget or get them wrong. :(

Here's Doreen with her instructors. They're tough, but very fair. They help the students as much as they can while trying to get them to learn the proper technique, methods and other skills!

Doreen's really blessed to be in this class this year. They are all a wonderful group!

Next year, approximately 364 days away, I'll write another post about Doreen's 'Senior' DH Pinning ceremony.

For now, Summer break!!


Anonymous said...

Good job Doreen. What a relief to be on summer break! Mom O.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Doreen! We are proud of you. This is quite and undertaking to be going to school, being a Mom and wife and homemaker all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking. Wheeeeeee. It will be worth while in the end. Larry and Jerilyn