Friday, May 16, 2008

Darn Cholesterol and Triglycerides!

Today, Doreen and I got the lab results of the fasting blood work we had drawn last week.

I was not pleased with the results - not at all.

Two years ago, April of 2006, I had a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) done. Blood pressure was great, Blood glucose was moderate at 97 as well as my Triglycerides at 191.
Doggone cholesterol though was at 214. A bit high, but my HDL - the good cholesterol was low, at 33. High risk! (My LDL was 143)

Didn't do much after that HRA. Just kinda floated along.

So last year, had another HRA done. Glucose, was a bit better at 92. Still got to get it under 84. Cholesterol had got up a bit though 220. May have been expected. Didn't do anything. HDL up a bit to 34 but so was my LDL 156. Triglycerides had gone down some - to a closer to low risk number of 154. (Needs to be under 149.)

This year, I tried eating a bit better and EXERCISED a lot more regularly. I was hoping for a small change for the better and would have been ecstatic with a huge change - not so though. Aarrrgggghhhhh!

Triglycerides up to 158 - up doggone it!!! Cholesterol up to 225. Up again! LDL down a point to 155, fine and HDL up 4 points to 38. (LDL should be below 130 and HDL should be above 40.) Crud! That's hardly any change at all. Of course for some reason my Glucose climbed back up to 96. Double crud!!!

I tell ya, that had me bummed most of the rest of the afternoon. I figured - obviously really incorrectly - that trying to do a little better eating and a LOT better with exercising would have really helped.


Triple crud!!!!!

Back to the 'ol' drawing board! :(


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you are complaining about I would be extadic with numbers like you have. My glucose is always above 110 and my triglicerides are in the 249's and hdl and ldl welllllllll we let it sit. You have to rember that you have a familial history on both side of the family 2 generations back and how much futher we don't know. Your no's are really good considering the family hist.

Shelly said...

Just curious why your glucose needs to be below 84? I'm pretty sure your fasting level shoud be less than 100. If you're less than 84 then you'd start worrying about have too low of blood glucose levels.

You should try CHIP! You probably have helped yourself more than you realized too. So, don't be too hard on yourself.