Saturday, May 03, 2008


Yesterday morning, about 11a, Doreen and I were busy going through stuff at the house when the phone rang.

It was the secretary at the girls school. Joelle wasn't feeling well. Her nose was runny and her eyes puffy and watery.

Ooohhh! Poor little girl.

She thought she had a cold and the staff wasn't sure.

Nope - she's got my genes - it's allergies! Definitely.

So we wrapped up a couple other things and headed over to the school with some medication for her to get her through the rest of the school day.

After we picked the kiddos up from school we stopped at the store for some Zyrtec, a daytime allergy medicine and Benadryl, for nigh time.

Sure enough we gave her the B and she got up a few min later to use the restroom and was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

She's doing better today. No meds yet. I know EXACTLY what she's dealing with and really hate it for her!

Hope she continues to feel better!

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