Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Rough Bunch of 8th Graders

This photo takes me back a few years, back to 1985.

This was my 8th grade classmates. On our class trip before graduation we took this photo together.

My how things have changed! What we were focused on then, well, lets just say we all have a lot more responsibilities and a lot less free time than then! :)

Lets see from L to R is, Duane, Wes, Myself and Rodney. (Duane and Rodney were cousins.)

My, how the time has literally flown!!!


Anonymous said...

Arn't you glad to be older and wiser than you were then? You will be glad to know that Wes has come back to the church and has been rebaptized and is involved with the church. He is partially bald and quite fluffy toboot. A Ron White term.

Anonymous said...

Actually your Dad is the pot calling the kettle black. Dont ya think? Mom

Shelly said...

What a funny picture! The old fashion pictures are in your blood! the next generation is keeping the tradition.