Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thoroughly Inspected

This is a two part post.

A - informative
B - requesting prayer.

So, my inlaws have a chance to retire from trucking. They had some property here in the Chattanooga area that sold, and now they are hoping to sell their truck. If that happens - they'll be pretty much set, for a while.

In the mean-time, they are taking a Home Inspection class to build a new business for themselves.

Well, they've got 7 people in the class, and they needed houses to inspect for practice and to learn. So we offered ours for the class to use.

Today was the day. 7 people, plus the teacher, walking around our house really giving it a go-over.

What I've come up with is that our house needs some serious work. Tomorrow in class they'll be going over what they saw a 'write' up a report. Can't wait to see the official results!

It was kind of fun! I even learned a lot, not that it's that suprising! :)

Prayer request, pray that things go through for Larry & Sandra to be able to permantly make the transition!

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