Thursday, March 20, 2008

Extra Holes Filled

As you'll read in a later post, on Wed, I was home less than 12 hours.

For two of those hours, I was sitting in a dentist chair getting a couple of extra holes in my head, that weren't supposed to be there filled.

For those dental type people, it was teeth 14 & 15 that had the problems.

Then, one other thing. Years ago, I chipped my right front tooth, just on the edge.

It didn't look the best, so my dentist at the time fixed it. It didn't look much better. It was a different shade of white and was shaped funny.

Quite a while back, that addition chipped off, and being leary of another dentist screwing it up again - I just left it.

Well, Dr C looked at it a couple of weeks ago and said when we fill those cavities, I'm just gonna clean that chipped tooth up a bit.


So he did it Wednesday and it looks awesome. In fact Doreen can't almost tell that it's there.

The shading is perfect and the shape looks completely normal!

It is so awesome. He really seemed to enjoy that part of all the work he did on me that day.

My father-in-law says that some people are 'artisians' at their profession and do an excellent job at what they do just because they want to. It is not a job for them - it's almost an artform.

Well, that is Dr C. He's an artisian!


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