Tuesday, September 21, 2004

To Pull or Not to Pull, That is the Question

Get this,

Sunday evening I was flossing like a good boy. As I pulling the floss out from between two teeth, it hooked on a filling I've got and pulled it half-way out.


It didn't hurt, but I felt really funny. I finally got it 'bit' down to where it didn't feel weird, and yesterday morning I called my dentist and got an appointment for this afternoon (Tue) to fix it.

That is about one of the yuckiest feelings I've had. I've been getting really irritating headaches over the last 5 days or so, soooo I'm hoping that it is due to the fact that this filling was starting to come loose.

I guess we'll find out after it's fixed.

Thursday, I've got to go down to the campus of Southern Adventist University near Chattanooga, TN and spend the afternoon at a Job Fair they're having called, "Meet the Firms" to represent LifeTalk Radio.

We don't have any jobs to offer or any other opportunities, but management sees it as good PR to be there to hob-nob. So I gotta spend the day in a suit and a tie talking with soon-to-be college graduates. Hope it's fun.

While I'm at Southern, Doreen is taking off for a weekend at a MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) convention in Nashville, TN. She's going to drop the kids off at a babysitter and I'm going to pick them up as I return home.

Should prove to be and interesting end of the week and weekend! I'll let ya know how it goes.

Can't wait to get to the dentist! Chop, chop!

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