Saturday, September 11, 2004

Super Pooper Mover

Hey how was your day? Thankfully ours was uneventful!!!

We had a lot of responsibilities at church - but that’s nothing compared to this last week. Doreen had to play special music with her father, she on the marimba and he on the piano. It was very pretty. I had Family Time (the 20 minutes between SS and Church) that I vaguely remembered was on my responsibility list on Thursday. So I vamped and came up with some stuff on 9/11, the LTR Sharathon Report, news about where we are in building our Low Power Radio station and then showed the new 10 Commandments Flash Animations from the website. All in all - I guess it was ok. Then I had congregational prayer. It was a good church service then the food at potluck afterwards was DELICIOUS!

Joelle is doing GREAT! She’s off most her pain medication and moving around - tappin’ her casts together and getting back to being Joelle. We’re sure thankful for that. She had a bunch of her friends at church sign her casts today. Too cute.

This evening Joelle has been complaining about a sore butt. We couldn’t figure out why - then realized she’s not had a bowel movement since Monday, the day before her surgery. That’s not good. So I ran to Wal-mart and picked up some kiddy glycerin suppositories. So we gave her one - she didn’t like it too much, but seemed to do okay with it - then all of a sudden wanted to go home. (We were over at my in-laws, next door) so Natalie stayed with G-ma and Papa. Joelle, Doreen and I came home. About 2 minutes later she started running around the house and crying like crazy - then complaining big time about her backside. Doreen asked her if she wanted to go potty - no was the immediate answer. Then Doreen whipped off her shorts and panties and Joelle bee-lined it for the toilet, as soon as Doreen sat her on the stool - explosion.

Well - needless to say she’s feeling a ‘ton’ (pun intended) better!

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