Wednesday, September 01, 2004

40 & Countin

I want to Say "Congratulations" to my Mom and Dad! Monday was their 40th anniversary of the day they said, "I do." Boy a lot has happened in 40 years hasn't it??!! Especially since I've been around 34 of those years and my twin sisters 31. Wow! You know, as I was growing up it seemed to take SOOOO long - but now I'm pretty much 'growed-up' it seems like it was a pretty short time.

Y'all sure did a LOT for me in that short period of time you had. We're connect to a church, you pretty much kept me out of trouble - except the minor house rule violations, you've given me a good base to raise my girls from and now you're wonderful grandparents.

Boy time has sure zipped by. 40 years. It's a good goal for Doreen and I and my girls to strive for. Thanks for leading the way y'all.

WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. Hope you had a VERY happy Anniversary!

My Folks Chillin! Posted by Hello

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