Wednesday, September 08, 2004

How Labor Day Weekend Went to Heck!!!

Well, I want to share why I’ve not blogged lately. LOTS of stuff going on and not all of it good! J

Sunday we relaxed in the morning, about noon I headed to the fair grounds to help put up a booth for our church and then my family picked me up and we went on down to some property that my in-laws own in Chattanooga (where my job will be moving to in the next 3 to 4 months) and went to see the work that the excavator did last week. Man he cleaned the section up we requested perfectly. LOOKS FANTASTIC.

We then hit our favorite Chinese place with some other friends meeting us there - enjoyed the meal - headed home and crashed.

Monday - labor day - I did labor. I went to work and then got home. Talked with Doreen, played with the girls - took a short nap, then before supper Doreen and I took turns on the treadmill to continue our quest in getting into shape. Doreen went first and while I was exercising - started supper.

I finished up and then went to set the table, Joelle & Natalie were rough-housing in the living room with the couch cushions and we heard screams from there and in the end Joelle was laying on the floor with both arms cocked at angles arms weren’t meant to bend at. Doreen called 911 then hung up when I said we’d take her - then 911 called back and we decided to have the ambulance pick her up.

The long story short of it is, we went to one ER, had x-rays, saw bad news - put the two broken arms in splints - drugged her up, transferred to a childrens’ hospital in Knoxville, stayed overnight Tuesday morning at 7:30am she had surgery to repair the broken right elbow and the both bones broken in her left forearm and an hour later was wheeled back into her room where Doreen and I were waiting.

Later that afternoon, she woke up enough to eat (and keep it down), go potty and the medication would handle the pain, so they released us and we’re home.

Of course - I pretty much missed most of the sharathon. Missed our goal by $20,000 (oh well), and Doreen and I have had a level of stress and worry in our lives we’ve really not experienced before.

Joelle is doing fine now. The pain is slowly ebing away with less medication necessary. She’s getting up and around on her own, learning how to grab things with 2 full arm casts (I’ll try and post a pic later of me at age 12 with two broken arms! I NOW understand what my parents were going through.) and we’re starting to feel normal - as can be - again.

Natalie loves to pet Joelle’s casts. It’s precious.

Here are some photos for your interest.

Thanks for your prayers! :)

1 comment:

The SSP said...

Yup sis, I was telling Doreen about ALL I did with my broken arms, Riding and learning to bunny hop a 10 speed, roller skating on Saturday nites and much much more. She's 'exerting' more willingness to do for herself. I get home yesterday afternoon and Doreen has Joelle show me how she props her sippy-cup up to her mouth with her 'cast' to be able to drink on her own.