Monday, September 13, 2004

Back in Time OR Like Father, Like Daughter

My family just scanned and sent me a couple of photos from my past to show Joelle, my daughter.

I can't wait to get home this morning and show her these photos from when I was a youngin'.

The 1st photo was from 1976, (Englewood, Colorado) is from a bicycle collision with a friend in a wagon going down hill. We were both going opposite directions on the same sidewalk and both turned into the driveway to avoid running into each other. I t-boned the wagon and flew over the bike, the wagon, my friend and landed on the concrete and broke my left arm. (This was late on a Friday afternoon while my folks were working on a camper-top for our little Toyota Luv Truck. We didn't realize until HOURS later, (supper time) that I was still having intense pain. So we went into the Doc's office, had it x-rayed and set and cast.

The 2nd was from 1982 (Miamisburg, OH) - again on a Friday afternoon. Mom was in baking a cake for the weekend, Dad who was an OR Nurse was called in for an emergency surgery. I was out with a friend jumping a ramp. We were in the middle of the driveway and Dad told us to put it away, we did - he took off to the hospital - and we put the ramp back up and commenced to jumping again. The ramp was the problem though. We had two stacks of house bricks, 3 high stacked side to side. That might have worked for a while, but the really bad part was we were using 2 boards for the ramp. Those two mixed together means big trouble!!! :)

I hit the ramp at high speed, the boards split - I hit the bricks which toppled and stopped the bike, and again - I went flying over the handlebars and landed on my arms and face very akwardly. My right arm was a 'compound fracture.' The bone broke through the skin and my left arm I cracked one bone and broke the other.

Mom, rushed me to the hospital where dad was working. (Who did you leave the girls with ma?) He had to come OUT of surgery (NOT A GOOD THING) and come down to the ER. I had to tell him how it happened. (OOPS) Later that night I had surgery to clean the wound on my right arm and to set them both.

I spent the next few weeks as the 'field goal' at our local school!

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