Friday, February 01, 2008

What a Fabulous Friday

What an extremely cool day this Friday was! Doreen was a bit stressed to start the day. She had 3 tough exams today. You know the first tests back after a month off is really hard. She was studing like a madwoman to get the info in her brain. We had breakfast, and I took Joelle and our neighbor kids to school. They were having a Kindergarten Roundup - basically an open house for parents who will have kindergarten age kids next year and trying to get them 'signed up.' So Natalie and her class had the day off.

Thankfully, I was home. So after dropping the kids off, we came back home and played some Uno and Go Fish then did some stuff on webkinz to grow her bank so she can get some stuff in the future. Then we headed off to the Tennessee Aquarium for the rest of the morning, checking out all sorts of freaky fish!

After we did that, we hit Taco Bell for lunch. Yummy! While we were in Taco Bell, the school called. During recess, Joelle fell and smashed her face into the floor and seriously bent her glasses. She has two scratches on her nose, but otherwise is all right, thankfully! After we were done eating, we went and picked up the glasses
to take them to the optician to see if they were repairable or if they needed to be replaced. He fixed 'em right up.

We ran back to the gas station, and fueled up for the weekend and just because we were within a 'few' drops of running out. Then into the store for a few things and over to pick Joelle up.

We got home and I did some stuff on the computer, Doreen had some stuff to do up-stairs and the girls had rooms to clean. Once they got that done, we headed out to our rec center to bounce some balls, Joelle could ride her heelys and we could drive the remote control car around.

Well the gym was being used for league games. Oops!

The girls were both feeling dissappointed, so we brainstormed trying to figure out a place, where it wasn't cold, we could still do those things. Nothing. We couldn't think of anything.

Finally I just stopped at a local church parking lot and said lets play till we get cold. So we did. Here's Joelle drivin' around her R/C truck.

Natalie had a blast kickin' her ball and chasing it down.

Joelle rolled around the parking lot on her heelys for a bit. Boy, has she gotten good at those things!

Here's Natalie taking a turn at the R/C truck.

We didn't stay long, maybe 30 minutes, but the difference in the attitude of the girls was HUGE! :)

We got home, put stuff away, made supper, had a nice meal together. Then we got out some puzzlemania books we've got and just played all sorts of different games in these booklets.

Then jamies, brush teeth, worship and bed.

That kind of focused family time is rare, but definetly worth it!

It turned out to be a Fabulous Friday.

Oh yeah, and at the time I published this post, Doreen had found out two of the 3 scores on her tests. 100% on each. That's right! Aced 'em!!!

Oh yeah - Fabulous Friday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a Fabulous Friday also because I got to have a wonderful conversation with Natalie. Daddy got his Rabbit Rabbit so then he turned the phone over to Natalie and we talked a little about everything. Boy did that ever make my day. Thanks for the talk Natalie. Hope you had a Great time at the aquarium. Gram