Friday, February 22, 2008

A GREAT End to this week!

This has been a nice week. Due to circumstances, I ended up only taking one 823 mile run. Left Tuesday night, back Wed evening. Done! That in itself makes the week nice.

Having some time at home, both with my little girl, when she was sick, and by myself later in the week when she was back at school was also very nice.

Today was the 'tip of the iceberg' in terms of good for the week.

This morning I dropped the kids of at school and went to the Rec Ctr to get in a bit of exercising. Then a quick shower and back to a parking lot to meet Doreen. We left the truck and loaded up for the school, to see, with the kids, the Georgia Cumberland Academy Gymnastics team perform. They had volunteers come up for a number of 'activities' and you might recognize the girl at the top in the pic - Joelle a BALL doing this!

Then up to our Tax preparer lady to see how things would 'even' out with Uncle Sam and the IRS. After 45 minutes of question and answer and putting stuff in the computer, it turns out that our Uncle owes us a few dollars. Yes! I hate owing him anything. It's enough that we can pay off what we still owe on the new roof and the repair work on the furnace - THANKFULLY! Then, we'll have a bit left over that will go in our 'trip' fund to pay for gas that is going to be REDICULOUSLY high this summer as we drive out to Colorado to see family for our vacation!!!

On the way back, Doreen and I stopped and ate at a restaurant we've not eaten at in quite some time, yet thoroughly enjoy their sandwiches, Scholtzskys. Good place!!!

We got back to the school 30 minutes before it let out, so we parked in the lot, Doreen studied and I snuck in a nice nap. OH yeah. It, almost, doesn't get any better than that.

Now I'm catching a few things up on the computer, waiting for my in-laws to show, then we'll head over to Taco Bell for a quick supper then to the church where Doreen and a ladies chorus she's part of can practice their new song for Easter Sabbath. The kids and I will be playing games on Cell phones and my DS! Yeah Baby!

Then home - I'll probably dink around on the computer a bit more, study for SS in the morning then to bed!

Yeah - it has been a very good week!

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