Monday, February 18, 2008


Today was quite a nice day.

This morning, I got up when Joelle got up and went to lay on the bathroom floor for some odd reason. She was fine, just went to lay on the floor. So, that got our day going.

I got up and took a shower, made breakfast, had worship and got going.

We hit on thrift store and found another badmitten racquet. Picked it up for .48 cents. I also got a board game that Doreen loves to play, so now we've got one of our own. It's called Upwards. It's like Scrabble on steroids. I think she'll enjoy it.

Anyway, we ran a couple of more errands. I picked up a second external hard-drive to back stuff up and have one here and the other one at Larry & Sandra's to have one out of the house - just in case.

We hit Taco Bell for lunch then home.

It was such a nice day we played Badmitten outside for a while, then inside to do a few things.

Then I had a racquetball league game. So we went a half hour early and Joelle and I played racquetball for 30 minutes or so till my competitor arrived. She had a ball doing that. Then he arrived and she sat and ate her supper and watched us play. On the way home, she kept wondering when we'd play again. So we'll have to go again - soon!

Back at home, we did a couple of things, then bedtime routine and then bedtime.

Doreen and Natalie just got back home. It's nice to have them back home.Can't wait to see the pics from their time in FL.

So, I'll share some of them with you tomorrow.


1 comment:

Laura said...

I love reading your blog, especially how you are so genuinely enjoying your family. I can tell you treasure your wife and daughters. Come visit us!