Sunday, February 10, 2008

Third Racquetball League Game

Had my third game at the beginning of the week. I was able to slip it in Tuesday night after a nap, before Adventurers and leaving on a trip to Mississippi.

I played Josh R and it was a good one. I got there a bit early and had ample time to warm up properly. I think that makes a difference. We'll see if it does as I continue through the league.

We played two closely matched games. Most of the time we'd either swap side out a number of times before someone would score a point of his serve, or one would score a point or two and the other would come right back with a couple of points.

It was fun playing but ultimately I beat him 15-12 both games. That's all we had time for, luckliy I won both or we might both still be there today! HA!

Well, you've only got 7 more of the league game reports to read. :) Then comes the double-elimination tournament. I'm looking foward to that!

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