Sunday, February 03, 2008

Pulling a "Sandra"

My mother-in-law's name is Sandra and I love and appreciate her very much.

A while back, it seemed like everytime we go together to eat she'd end up dropping a piece of food on her shirt. You know, salsa from a chip, lettuce from a salad-with dressing, you know, something that was cleanable, but would leave a 'mark' the rest of the day.

One day when that happened, we were at a Mexican restuarant and some salsa plopped on her shirt. I said, "Oops, you pulled a Sandra." Not two minutes later, I had to admit to "pulling a Sandra."

Just this weekend, Friday night we were having fruit salad and I 'pulled a Sandra.' Then yesterday eating lasagna with our friends, I pulled another Sandra.

Boy, it's a good thing my mother-in-law had that streak a while back and I named it first, cuz lately it could be called, 'pulling a Steve.'

Either way, I don't think the phrase will catch on, excpet for in our family! :)


Anonymous said...

Whatever! :) Sorry you had such an experience! Sandra

Roseuvsharon said...

Wow! I thought my mom was the only one who did that! For her, it's not a matter of if, but when. My mom rarely buys a top that isn't washable. She doesn't buy white very often anymore either.

Shelly said...

Ha Ha ha Ha ha! Thats so funny! I can picture all of that!