Friday, June 15, 2007

What a week!

We enjoy VBS - helping put one on that is - but we're always thankful to have it done and over with too!

And what is with so many other things going on while VBS is in session? It always seems like we've got 6 things to do while we're helping out at VBS.

This year as I mentioned the girls were in swimming lessons.

So lession in the morning, errands, home lunch, activities at home, then VBS in the evening. Seemed like it was non-stop!

It was good though - I hope those kids were blessed.

Anyway, through the 'magic' of the internet and using myspace page to get videos to show up here.
Something else cool to see etc!

So enjoy these shots of the girls at their swimming lessons.

Here's Joelle learning at level 3...

JP Swimmin

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Here's Natalie learning at level 2...

NP Swimming

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch out... Steve's figured out how to embed VIDEOS now!