Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Movie Stuff

A while back, Doreen and I were on NetFlix. It was cool having movies delievered to our home and I really, REALLY liked being able to rate movies and make a list of movies I want to see for future reference.

The problem was/is that Doreen's in school and I have a strange work schedule so we had a challenge finding the time to watch the movies together. So we dropped it.

I'd been using IMDB.com (Internet Movie DataBase) to check into movies, watch trailers etc. Well, recently I found where I can start 'saving' the movies I want to watch in the future on a list. Then I found where I can 'rate' movies I've seen. Coolness. Now I've figured out how to share them publicly so if you're interested in see how I rated a movie we've seen, just follow this link ThePesters Movie Rankings or check the link on the bottom right of the column to the right for future reference!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in IMDb all the time, I love it. I'd do the lists and the ratings but I've got more than enough of that stuff to keep me busy... Netflix, Amazon... Very cool though. I'll check up on your movies every now and then.