Friday, June 08, 2007

Drought & Answered Prayer

We've not been getting much, I could almost say 'any' rain here in E TN. In fact we're somewhere between 13 & 15 short of what we typically get.

One day this week, we were going to the pool to swim, talking about rain. Spontaniously, both girls said a quick prayer asking for rain.

The next day, we got a 'sprinkling.' They were pretty excited about that.

Today, we got a downpour and they both, but mostly my oldest were excited. Not excited about the rain, well to quote exactly...

"Mommy, Daddy, Jesus answered our prayers. Look at ALL this rain."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Kira was a puppy and taking obedience classes with Staci (not sure who needs 'em the most, but that's another story!) the kids prayed that she would do real good on her final test day. It was really cute, I cried a little. Anyway, she DID do really good, 3rd in the class in fact! It was a miracle and an obvious answer to the prayers of little children. Awesome!