Tuesday, June 12, 2007

VBS = Pain!

This week is VBS at our church. We're doing the Avalanche Ranch theme. Doreen's helping the Prairie Dog Preschoolers, and I'm helping with the games.

Thing is, the guy leading the games is not following the games provided, he's doing something completely else.

Well, Sunday, the start of VBS we were playing a game where we had to run back and forth chasing kids, being chased - all with a 'spiritual' theme mind you.

Each group came through our section every twenty minutes, and we have 4 groups. So every twenty minutes I'd get a five minute break, but other than that, I was running, running, running.

Yesterday I was kinda sore. Today, I am SORE!!!!

Oh how I hurt right now.

So VBS equals PAIN! :)

PS The kids seem to be enjoying it and are learning from it, and that's what matters.

PSS Today I have a trip for work, so I get a break from VBS - a welcome break, so I can get over being sore! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They did Avalanche Ranch for VBS here too! The kids loved it. Tonight was the final program with the parents invited. I worked the last 2 days on PowerPoint presentations to show.