Thursday, February 10, 2005

Trip to Cookietown


Things have been pretty busy for us and I haven't spent much time on a computer and next to none on the web lately. Well, I've checked news and info and I keep up to date on the blogs on my links list, but not enough time to post anything recently.

My in-laws apt/studio has made huge strides forward in getting done. Right now the finish work on the sheet-rock is in full stride. Still quite a ways to get done, but we'll be living there sometime in April.

The building for work is coming along much more slowly. Things are coming together, but it's agonizingly slow. It's almost painful. We were supposed to be in a week ago - and it looks like we're not gonna be able to get in until mid-week next week. Ouch!

We took a trip down there yesterday because we needed to check up on things, and get some LTR mail to keep us on the air till things get moved completely, and to get everyone out of the house for a bit.

I tell ya what - working right next to a Little Debbie plant (#1 for those of you who know the area) is going to be a good deal. Sometimes you walk outside and the fresh scent of baking cookies just reaches right in to my olfactory scenes, and wraps 'em in the pleasure of cinammon or chocolate or apple or... whatever. I LIKE it! :) Everytime I can't help but say out loud, to nobody, "Yummmmmmmmmm."

Tuesday afternoon we packed up the kids and the car and went swimming at our local "YMCA" type place. It's not an acutal "YMCA" but it is similar and they have an indoor heated pool. So for $6 the four of us can swim and exercise and play together. It was great and the girls keep making 'strides' forward in learning how to be proper 2 legged fish! :)

Stocking up on Boxes right now getting ready to move. Probably around the 1st of March we'll begin packing things up. I've been organizing some of our pictures and 'scrapbooks' of stuff trying to get it in order before we go - so we don't have stuff just sitting around the house in boxes down there. Making progress, but it sure feels SLOW! Ya know??!!

Well, I've done all the damage I can at work today, so I'm gonna head home for lunch and a grocery store shopping trip and we've also got to get the church cleaned for this week. Busy, busy, busy day!

So, "That's the way the cookie crumbles."

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