Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kids Say the Darndest Things or Wishing for a Landslide


Here it is, the Wednesday morning after the election and we still don't know who's going to be our President the next four years. I'll be happy if this gets resolved today and not WEEKS from now! It just makes me long for the days of the landslide victory - no legal wrangling, (you can read that as legal BS!), no arguing about how many provisional or absentee ballots are out there and no more difference of opinion over 'exit polls.' (Even More BS)

I'm hoping that by noonish or late afternoon we've got a president elected - or at least we've got a canidate (Mr Kerry - I'm talkin' to you) come to his senses and realize he's been beat - not by much, I'll give him that - but he's been beat and to not pull a Gore and drag this thing out. Concede, take defeat gracefully. Don't act like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum!!! :)

All washed up.

I was watching some of the election returns last night and actually getting into a bit of it - then I flipped over to CBS when Fox and ABC went local. Baaaaddd idea. Dan Rather just needs to RETIRE ASAP. A field reporter in Ohio told about how the polls had just closed and it was still too early to predict the vote of the people of Ohio. Then Mr Rather, very seriously said, "Let me repeat this to you to make sure I understand, the polls have just closed in Ohio and it's still too predict the vote of the people of Ohio. Am I understanding that correctly?" So the reporter repeated his statement, then Mr Rather went on to 'report' the finding of the reporter, that he repeated, that he had repeat the report and then reported on the report! DOH!!!! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! I could sit at an anchor desk and do that. How incredibly ANNOYING. Get OUT man. Move on! Aye ayi yai! After this and the debacle of the 'forged' Bush papers story and a number of other things - it's time to retire Mr Rather!

On to a much more interesting topic...

Yesterday Joelle found a 'sucker' cup we had around the house for some reason. I think at one point it held a mirror on a wall in the bathroom or something. Anyway, Joelle started playing with it - sticking it to my face, books, walls, the refrigerator, well I think you get the idea. I went to give both my girls a bath and so I got them undressed and ready for the tub. Before I put Joelle in, I pulled the sucker cup off her chest - where she had most recently stuck it - and tossed it on the counter and dropped her in the water. I brushed their teeth, then started walking out of the bathroom to get something to finish the job and I hear Joelle pipe up as I'm walking out the door, "Daddy - where's my boob?"

I stop dead in my tracks and just start laughing. Oh that was SOOOOOOOO funny! I of course had to tell Doreen the 'line' and she got a pretty hefty chuckle out of it!

I LOVE MY GIRLS!!! The are extremely precious!

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