Thursday, November 04, 2004

Thank Heavens!

I AM so thankful that we know who our next President elect is with out a TON of legal brew-ha, ha, ha! It's not that I don' t appreciate lawyers, because in some situations - they are extremely necessary. I just hate it when the legal system gets misused and abused!

It is so nice that Kerry cowboyed-up and took his medicine and did the honorable thing and conceded instead of fighting, wining and pouting like a big baby. (Can you say Gore?)

Watched the election coverage until 9:30ish and realized that NO-One would have an inkling until the next day or two - so I crashed.

Well - we took Joelle and Natalie in to get pics today. It's time for Natalie's 2 year old pictures. (Post 'em when we get 'em back) They did great.

Now we're getting ready to watch Survivor and the Apprentice. Oh yeah!

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