Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Pentecostal Daughter

My oldest LOVES birthday parties. It doesn't even have to be her own. She just loves to help people celebrate another year.

My in-laws invited us out to eat last night, and after we finished, paid and walked out we stood on the steps of the restaurant for few minutes talking. Earlier, we'd decided to have a birthday party for my mother-in-law on Saturday night, her actual birthday.

So my father-in-law tells Joelle that on Saturday night, 4 sleeps (that's how we help her grasp the concept of time right now), we're going to have a birthday party for grandma.

Joelle lets out a huge "WHOOP" gives my mother-in-law a MONSTER hug. After about 5 seconds of hug, she lets go and runs, jumps and skips around with her arms in the air with a yell, that we can only describe as something we've heard in a Pentecostal meeting when people are gettin' the 'holy spirit.'

Then she ran a couple of circles, still yellin and gives grandma another hug.

We laughed and laughed and laughed! :)

It was SOOOOOOO cute!

You just had'da been there!!! :)

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