Saturday, November 27, 2004

Nice to Be at Home

How are ya?

Good! (Right? LOL)

Sounds like many of you had a very blessed Thanksgiving! I just LOVE blogs and being able to keep up with family and friends and what they're up to on a regular basis.

It's not that I'm a bad brother, but I haven't talked with my sister Staci since we were out there in October. It's not that I don't love her, but calling and talking isn't high on my list. But between her blog and my bro-in-law Scott we're able to know whats happening in each other's life. (That is if she reads my blog! He, he, he - Hi sis - how are ya? *GRIN*) At least we can keep up with them.

Well - the ongoing saga at work continues. I would love to just enjoy my job for what it is... but we've got all this drama with our Speaker-Director (Just got a piece of mail today with his NEW title on it. It was an upgrade from President Humm - it would be nice if he actually was a speaker on any LifeTalk program and if he actually communicated with more than 1 employee I'd agree with the director part, but I digress.) Friday was pretty OK, because only 3 of us were there - and we pretty much stayed out of each other's hair. I didn't feel like discussing it with those present. Monday the Big announcement comes down. (Jaws music playing in the background - or Twilight zone if you wish! :)

Friday was cool though. Did my work and got home and everyone was asleep - so I crashed out on the couch for about 30 minutes. Joelle got up to go potty so Doreen asked me to make sure she fell asleep. (Turns out she was only faking being asleep when I walked in.) So, I climb up in the bunkbed and within 10 minutes we're both out like lights! I just LOVE Naps! :)

Woke up and grabbed a quick snack (hadn't eaten since 5am) and then started cleaning around the house because our friends the Vences (formerly known as Heather McRae) was coming over with Rebekah and Grandma Betty for the girls to all play together. So we got the house spic-n-span and they show up. The girls played together so nicely and we had a good conversation. Then the rest of the Vence clan shows up and we have a nice meal and good conversation. (A group of us did end up talking Shop for a bit, just to see where we all stood on the Monday meeting - but it was good.) They went home and we crashed.

At 3am I woke up - because of the lousy alarm I had set - and headed to work to downlink a set of 2, thirty minute programs we have to grab off the satellite every weekend. I got to work and realized I'd grabbed Doreen's key. No key to the front door at work. So I ran back home, swapped keys and got back to work - got the programs, auditioned them and headed back home with enough time for another 90 minutes of blissful sleep.

Got up showered and we went through our Sabbath morning routine. For some reason we were running WAY behind today. Typically we're ready to leave between 9a and 9:05, but we didn't get in the car until 9:21. Still made it on time - barely.

I got to tell the childrens story today - and I think it went well. Had a great sermon and delicious potluck and home to put the girls down for a nap. Natalie crashed in the car, so we just transfered her to her bed, minus shoes and she didn't even bat an eyelid. Joelle got into some comfy clothes and asked to sack out on the futon in the Bronco room. Within 3 minutes she was out like a light. I tell ya - there's some magic in that room! :)

Then Doreen and I read for 30 minutes or so. (She - the Guidepost, me - Atlas Shrugged) Then we crashed. Did I mention that I LOVE NAPS???!!!

After waking up, my in-laws come over with pizza and cake and we have little family birthday party for my mother-in-law's b-day today. Joelle JUST loved it. She LOVES to sing happy Birthday. It was cool!

We had a nice fire going in the fireplace (It's been in the 40's here the last couple of days.) the girls watched the little drummer boy and the adults talked. Then we put the girls to bed and we just finished watching For Richer or Poorer with Tim Allen and Kirsty Alley. Funny, funny movie! (By the way Scott, we're down to either 3 or 4 movies left to watch. Gimme a 'short list' of the addition to your collection you'd like to have when we send 'em back.)

Now I've just checked news and info on the web - decided to write a blog and now I'm gonna go join Doreen who's already close to dreamland.

Night y'all!

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