Friday, April 17, 2009

Trying Again...

This morning, bright and early, they've turned the ventilator off again trying to see if he can breathe successfully on his own.

He's been doing really good, except his breaths per minute are a bit higher than they'd like to see.

Well, that's because he breathes a bit shallow normally. So, it's right on the boarder-line on whether they'll pull the vent tube today or not. I sure hope so, he's more than ready to have that thing out.

He and I had a pretty good chat this morning, most of it was one-sided since he can't talk yet. He was able to write a few questions down and get some stuff cleared up in his mind.

So, now we wait a couple hours and see. They'll draw some arterial blood to see how his oxygen levels in his blood are - then a couple hours later the Dr & residents will be by and decide to keep the tube in or pull it.

Fingers crossed...

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