Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Homeward Bound - Part Deux

Just got an amazing text message from my mom. It simply said,

"Pop's going home tomorrow."

WOW - Wow - wow! I'm astonished.

This morning when I called him, he was all gung-ho. Ate ALL his breakfast. (Which had not yet done.) Then told me when the Physical Therapist came through he was gonna get a walker and get going around the hospital.

Almost sounded like a man posessed! **GRIN**

Well, he did just that. He ate all his lunch and supper and got up, with assistance and took a shower - which he said felt absolutely fabulous - and did some good exercising.

The Dr's checked him out and said he's in good enough shape to head home, not even to a rehab facility. I guess he's being allowed to go home, home and use a home health nurse to help him the rest of the way!

That is absolutely amazing!

All I can say is, "God is Good!"

1 comment:

The Frequent Whistler from Misty Ridge said...

Wow Steve, you and your family have been through a lot. I'm just now getting to read about it. So glad for the happy ending. Will keep your dad in my prayers. Glad you're home with Doreen and the kids again, I know they missed you.