Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quality Hospital Time

Is there such a thing a quality hospital time???

Well - if there is we're having it right now. Lots of time to sit and chat in a 20x20 room with a couple of chairs, a roll-about bed, a portable table, a sink and a hospital bed in the middle of the room with lots of tubes coming from it going to 3 different stands.

My Mom, my two sisters and I are just hanging out helping to keep Pop calm while he's wanting the vent tube out, but not 100% ready to breathe on his own yet.

They just did an broncoscopy to check and make sure that all is well in his lungs. They let us stay and 'watch the show.' Kinda disappointed they didn't provide popcorn during the show though. LOL

His lungs are looking good. Not sure if it's the steroids or the antibiotics or even what caused the problem in the first place. It - at this point - appears he has something irritate and inflame his lungs, and now they're trying to pinpoint the cause to avoid the problems in the future and then get in completely cleared up now.

Just playing a waiting game, they may try to pull the tube out tomorrow and see how he does on his own.

More updates latooooor!

1 comment:

Gwen Bigham said...

POPCORN! So glad you are keeping your humor! It can be the source of distraction you need without the family there! :-)