Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Passing of a Generation

Time constantly moves on and waits for no man!

Yesterday on the way home from a trip to Michigan, I was asleep in the bunk of a truck. I'd driven all night then worked the better part of the day - so I was bushed. Dad called about 6ish with the news that my Great Uncle Walt had passed away that morning. I got the basics, then went back to sleep. Later, when it was my turn to drive, I called him back and now that I was awake got the details. It is sad to lose family members!

I remember Uncle Walt being a HUGE fan of Major League Baseball. He was at one time a Pastor and at another time a denominal officer, but I remember going visiting one time, he and I just sitting and watching a game. Nice! Uncle Walt married my Grandma's youngest sister (On my dad's side).

Later, after talking with Dad, I talked with Doreen on the phone for a bit. It was late enough, I put my phone away, not expecting any more calls. How wrong I was.

At 1:30am my phone rang. I was heading south on I-75 at 72 miles per hour, only 30 minutes from the yard. That phone ringing was the last thing I expected and scared me silly.

So I answer it and once again, it's my father. Unfortunatly he had more bad news. My Great Uncle Dave passed away that afternoon. He had a stroke a couple of weeks ago, and just never really bounced back from it and went to rest.

I remember visiting Uncle Dave when he was the caretaker of a camp. He had this home-made potato gun, cannon was more like it, that would shoot tennis balls forever away. On one visit we stood in this huge field and just let those fuzzy green balls fly! What fun that was. Uncle Dave was my Grandfather's brother. (Also on my Dad's side.)

It is so sad to see quality people like this passing. They still have so much to give and share, but because time is so relentless, we have to lay them to rest.

All that is left of that generation on my dad's side of the family now is Aunt Grace & Aunt Lillian. Still got quite a few of that generation left on my mom's side, but time marches on.

It was quite the shock, the news of two of my family passings, within hours of each other. Wow.

So, good-bye Uncle Walt and Uncle Dave - we have fond memories of each of you and you both will be sorely missed! Until Heaven when we all will have a wonderful family reunion, in young bodies, rest well!

1 comment:

Micah said...

Well keep your family in our prayers! ~ Micah & Shannon