Thursday, August 14, 2008

1st Day of School - Part 2008

Monday, Joelle and Natalie started school.

They were SO excited and I was excited for them. Wish I could have been home, but Doreen got to take them and see the rooms and greet the teachers and stuff.

I am SO thankful my girls really enjoy school. Now if we can just keep that up for the next 10 years! :)

Man, where did the summer go. Just a few short days after school let out, we took off for a 3 week vacation to Colorado and after returning - Cue the music 'Flight of the Bumblebee" - things just got crazy with family visiting, responsibilities and activities planned that just chewed up our summer and just spit it out.


Ok - let's go with where we are now and HOPEFULLY things will slow down a bit! :)

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