Friday, August 01, 2008

My Girls - CD Players OR Firehats

A new thing has begun in our house. My father-in-law had a couple sets of ear-buds laying around he wasn't using. The girls found them and were given them. Well - now they've been listening to music. Each of them have a CD player in their rooms for a Your Story Hour every night, and now they've got a music CD in them listening around the house. I guess an Ipod will be the next step for them. It is extremely cute! 'Cept I sound like my folks - "Turn that down! If I can hear it, it's too loud!" Waaa ha, ha, ha, ha!

By the way, each of them are listening to classical music!

Today we tried a new restaurant, Firehouse Subs. It's very cool with all the 'firehouse' decorations. The sandwiches were OK. It was good to try it once!

But we got the girls 'kids meals' and they were each given a firehat. PRECIOUS! :)

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