Thursday, August 07, 2008

Island Hopping

Bet you didn't know we could do 'island' hopping here in Tennessee, did ya?! :) Well we can. Recently we climbed aboard this ferry called the 'Fat Cat' on the Tennessee River and went out to an 18 acre island.

It was a fun little ride. It took less than 5 minutes to get from the dock to the island, but all the while a new experience for Joelle and Natalie.

Joelle was poking her head out this porthole.

Natalie wanted to practically hang completely out it! :)

This island is protected by the Audubon Society and it has lots of birds on it. It has 1.5 miles of hiking trails and a campground, canoe racks and a campfire pit. It also has 4 geocaches. Of which we only had time to find two. (The boat comes round every 45 min and we needed to be on the next one!) It truly is a beautiful location though.

Thought my in-laws would appreciate this photo. They just celebrated their 40th anniversary and their kids planned an outing for them, including a nite in this Inn. Now they can see it from the North side.

Their were probably less than 10 other people on the island while we were on it. With all the growth and foliage and sounds, it felt as though we were explorers finding someplace brand new. It was awesome!

Also a plus was the ride on the ferry back to the dock, we circled all the way around the island, so we could see from the water side, where we hiked too all the way to the other end of the island. What a fun day!

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