Friday, July 25, 2008

Stung, Twice in One Day

Last Sunday I got stung by two different wasps at two different times in two different locations. Aaarrrggghhhhh! I hate that!

We needed to do some yardwork, so we got to it. We disassembled an old sandbox the girls never play in anymore.

Then we needed to mow and weed-wack. My job is weed-wackin!

One of the places that needed some serious weed-wackin' attention was underneath our deck. I was workin' it getting it nice and cleaned out when I felt a little stab to the back of my neck. I initially though it was something that flew up from the weed-wacker until I looked up and saw a wasp flying away. OUCHIE! It started itchin immediately.

So we got the yard done and showered and over to my in-laws to visit with out-of-town family passing through. We talked and had lunch and I'd occassionally itch my neck.

Time came for me to head to work and as I was walking down the stairs to the bakery, another wasp flew down outta the top of the bridge and stung me on the side of my left elbow! Double ouch!

We hooked up the truck and loaded our rollers and headed on down the road and now I was itchin my elbow and neck. Man-o-man!

My elbow started to swell just a little bit. It never really hurt, but I couldn't rest my elbow on the steering wheel as I drove down the road like do every now and then. That was frustrating.

Well, thankfully both sting places are gone now - but man - I HATE WASP STINGS!!!! Especially two in one day! :(

1 comment:

Shelly said...

That would not be fun! Thankfully none of us have been stung this summer yet, even with a bee box in our garden. But the horse flies have been horrendous lately. Its been hard going for a walk because of them. Actually, the flies haven't been bad to me, but they just attack Randy...he must have the right smell.