Monday, July 28, 2008

Answered Prayer OR Permant Co-Driver

I'm 3 months away from my 3 year anniversary at the Bakery. I still completely enjoy my job.

Unfortunatly I am still a floater. Some guys get picked up by a partner in a few weeks, some a month or two or more.

For some reason, I haven't gotten 'hooked-up' with anyone. I've got about 6 or 7 guys who already have partners, who want to run with me when their partner is our or on vacation. That's kinda nice - but it's not the same.

Well, a week ago, a guy called me, when I was on a trip, and asked me to run with him. YES!

Last night, when I went in for my trip, I signed on the dotted line. I'm officially partnered up. Starting Aug 16 I'll have a permanent partner, then two weeeks after that we'll get a regular trip.

What a cool answer to prayer!

WOW - I'll have a regular schedule. What will I do?

I'll have an awesome time!



Anonymous said...

cool! So glad for you Steve. Sandra

The Frequent Whistler from Misty Ridge said...

Congratulations!! That's a HUGE deal. Won't it be nice to have a schedule you can count on?

ljosjo said...

You have been very patient. I hope this works out really well for you. How nice to know what to expect each week!
Larry O