Friday, July 04, 2008

3-2-1 Contacts

Soon after our return from Colorado, Joelle had her annual eye checkup.

While we were sitting in the optometrist's office waiting to be seen, (yes, had to do it, pun intended) a salesman came in talking to the tech about contacts. That got us thinking about getting contacts for Joelle.

She'd done very well at taking care of her glasses, but she doesn't have much to the 'bridge' of her nose to keep them up properly and is always looking over the top of them.

So we all talked about contacts and Joelle got excited. The Dr says if the kid is interested then they have a greater chance of being successful. We ordered a set for a month's trial.

Thus far she is doing great. She can get them out by herself with no problem. She cleans them and stores them properly. She can get the right one in easy enough, but is having a bit of a challenge with the left one. She'll get it!

We love them, especially when we get to see her pretty brown eyes instead of her glasses!

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