Friday, October 23, 2009

The Civil War Battle for Tunnel Hill Continues...

For extra credit in one of Joelle's classes, we could go on a Sunday to Tunnel Hill, GA and see a re-enactment of a Civil War battle over that piece of property between the North and the South.

It was a main railroad crossing and very valuable. They still have the actual Tunnel that was blasted out the trains would roll through. It was cool walking through it!

This set of train wheels were at the end and I, of course, could not pass up this photo op!

Here's the regiment of Confederate re-enactment forces, that have to lose the battle every year! :) They put on a good show though

It was so cool seeing the way they fought. Lots of fun to watch, and the rain, which had been POOORING the whole time we were there, pretty much let up for the entire time they were 'fighting.' It was neat to watch!

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