Sunday, October 18, 2009

Deep Creek Tubing

We planned a trip with some friends, Cheryl & Tracy and Bruce & Jen, to Bryson City, NC for a weekend of Tubing! What a fun weekend it was!

The temperature was just right for tubing. Not too hot and not too cold! The water was chilly, but after the initial 'shock' of cold, it felt great!

We did have one issue on the way down. We had to stop at a lock-smith and get a key made for the camper, that was left at home 2 1/2 hours back. With the price of gas, it was a better deal! :) The guy had us in, in less than 20 minutes.

The campground was so full, that we had one campsite for Friday night, then had to move on Sabbath to another site. No big deal - we just cranked the Pop up's top down and moved and popped it right back up. It worked out really nicely though, cuz Friday evening, we did have some rain and we were camped right next to a shelter so we could relax out of the rain. The next night was beautiful and we had a great view of the stars next to the campfire!

Tracy & Cheryl were extremely nice and let us all bunk in the pop up. The girls slept with Doreen and I on the king size bed, Bruce & Jen had the other end and Tracy & Cheryl took the couch/bed. We all were snug little bugs!

Friday after we arrived in camp, we went to get our tubes for the weekend. I'm pretending to be 'Tube man!' HA!

All 8 of us jammed into Tracy & Cheryl's 15 passenger van with 8 Tubes also packed in - tight to get us to the very top of the creek. That was fun!

Once we parked, we had about another mile or so to climb to the very tippy top!

Putting in, getting ready to do some serious floating! We did have another issue on our first short trip down. Doreen was expecting a phone call from a potential employer, so we decided to wrap her cell phone in a couple of zip lock bags so she could have it in her pocket in case they called. Well, that call never came, or we never got it cuz at some point in the trip, her phone fell out of her pocket and floated by itself down the river! Needless to say, Doreen's got a new cell phone now! **GRIN**

Group/tube shot!

Enjoying the fire at camp!

I still believe camp meals are ALWAYS the best! :)

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