Thursday, February 23, 2006

Spelling OR Violations OR Score

Hey, hey, hey - whadda ya say??!!! :)

So, the other day visiting Grandma March in the hospital, Joelle had a little rubber bat (as in the flying animal) with her she'd gotten in Sabbath School. She kept talking about it, and then said, "Hey - I know how to spell bat." Then she proceeded to sound out and spell the word - all on her own with no prompting. Dude that is awesome!! I have such a smart daughter!!!

I'm no longer a 'Probie' at work. It's good to be past that 4 month period. Anyway, part of my final evaluation was a look at my logbook violations during my time here. I only had three violations - one, my partner and I showed driving at the same time. (His gaffe!) The other showed me driving as a partner was off duty. (Didn't count because I'd run back to back trips with different partners and so when I was returning from a trip he was off duty. The final one, and the one that was an actual violation by company policy, I logged 72 mph one day. (Our trucks are governed at 70. - Oops) They seemed pretty happy with my work though. I'll take that! :)

Doreen and I just got letters with our credit score in them. I guess they're required to disclose them to us because we applied for a home loan for our house. The scores range between 300 to 850. With 850 being the best. We're both closer to the top score, but not quite, with Doreen's being 8 points higher than mine! Dooh! :)

Have a happy day!

1 comment:

Trailady said...

Well, at least it was ONLY 1 minor violation. Glad you like your job, Dude!!