Friday, February 03, 2006

Home Sweet Home

We just got a call from our mortgage company, everything looks great. We should be going to closing next Friday. P!T!L!

So I get a call from dad on one of my trips, wanting to know a bit about the house and wondering why I hadn't posted any photos here on the site yet.

Well, I've just been a bit busy! :) So now that things have slowed up, just a hair - here's our soon to be new home. It's a split level home (They LOVE those things here in the south for some reason!) that was built in 1972. 1 1/2 baths, 4 bedrooms, Living room, Eat in kitchen, family room down stairs and a one car garage. Approx 1800 sq feet. It's on a nice sized lot in a nice subdivison, 5 min from my work, 20 min from Doreen's school, 10 min from church, 15 min to the mall and kitty corner from the babysitter.

The people we are buying it from, bought it as a repo and have done a major renovation to it, new flooring, cabinets, bathrooms, windows etc. We're just going to have an 18x12 deck built on the back with a french door access through the kitchen, and have another wall between the dining room and living room removed to 'open' things up a bit - all before we move in hopefully!

Anyway, here's our new home - anyone who wants to come help us move is MORE than welcome come moving day. We'll even provide pizza as sustinance! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice to me.