Friday, February 03, 2006

Mr Mom

Remember that movie with Michael Keaton and Terri Garr, where he loses his job, so she finds one easily to 'bring home the bacon' for the family. Funny movie.

Anyway, I've kinda taken on the part-time role of Mr. Mom. Doreen has classes on Tuesday and Thursday, so when I'm not on a trip, the girls stay home with me and we hang out together. We'll play around the house, have meals, clean up, do shopping, go swimming (right now, indoor of course), go to the mall and play at the playplace, and go geocaching. (I've taken care of them twice, no three times [???] can't remember which now.)

It's been good to have some quality Daddy, Daughters time. I've really enjoyed it and I believe they have as well. I've had to come down on them a couple of times for not eating at lunch or not getting their toys picked up. Overall, this has been, and will continue to be a very good experience for us!!!

Of course, I've got the best of both worlds, a good job with enough time off to be a Mr Mom! :)

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