Friday, February 10, 2006

New Home!

Well, we signed the paperwork today. Once again, we are home owners. We're not gonna move in until a 2 bits of a small amount of remodeling is done. (That way we won't have to deal with all the dust and stuff. (Hole punched in the wall between the dining and living room, French door added to the back for and exit out the back and a 16x16 deck to be built.)

I thought about it today. This is essentially the 3rd home we've owned.

Our first home purchace was under $50k. Our second was under $80k and this is just over $100k. Man, inflation, bigger homes, different types of home, bigger family has required this growth of expense of homes!


Well - we'll be glad to be moved in. Not looking forward to the process though!!!

Y'all are invited to come visit - anytime! :)


Anonymous said...

We wish we could be there to help but alas so be it. Well mabe next time. Love POP

The SSP said...

Yeah - we wish y'all could be here to help! Well, at least you were here for the last move! :) Why don't y'all just come for a visit in our new place pretty soon! :)