Monday, February 13, 2006

Ice Skating... In an 18-Wheeler

So that 'storm' that hit NY, Boston and pretty much the whole north east, well it hit Kentucky too! Got up there last night to the tune of about 4 inches. (The worst weather I've been in yet in my new job.)

We got the job done, got empty and I'm driving us home.

Just as you cross from Kentucky into Tennessee, you gotta go over Jellico Mountain. Well, we almost get to the top and have to stop because of traffic. Why is there traffic, because these 'snow-chasers' from the south can't handle more than a 1/8 inch of snow a season without freaking out.

Granted, the top was pretty much a sheet of ice - and I felt like I was ice-skating in our 18-wheeler, but come-on people. Others all over the world drive on snow and ice regularly without spinning around 5 times and get High-C'd on a ditch, etc.

On the southbound side, their were 4 accidents. 3 of 'em were single car. One invloved 3 cars.

On the northbound side, 3 accidents, one from a southbounder losing control and sliding across the median taking a pickup truck out before ending up in the ditch.

Aye, yai, yai!

It's good to be home, it's even better I'm leaving out for South Georgia tomorrow morning. No more snow! :)

Later! :)

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